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Monday, June 8, 2009

germam made binoculars basics

The key to a long and useful life for your binoculars is to follow the simple steps to protect against the unexpected. Bird-watchers, hunters and amateur astronomers are just a few of the people who use binoculars.

While cleaning your binoculars, you should take care to see that no cleaning mark or scratch is left on the surface of the lens. A larger objective lens makes sense during low light conditions, since it can capture more of the available light. If you are a backpacker or will be doing your birding on a bicycle, then you may wish to consider mid size or even compact binoculars.

Cost is another factor to consider. Most compact binoculars provide a wide field view and bright images. Heavy scrubbing or wiping with unfriendly cleaning materials or cloth might damage these coatings, so using the right binoculars lens cloth is important.

Some binoculars come with special fire coating on the lenses. The newer binoculars are very lightweight making them ideal to pack in your lightweight luggage.

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